SCARS Goodies

Print, cut, and glue miniature books by Cheryl Rainfield, including SCARS, STAINED, HUNTED, and VISIONS.

Reasons Not To Kill Yourself

Read Reasons Not To Hurt Yourself online.

Or download or print it as a PDF.

SCARS Bonus Postcard Story

Download it as a PDF 
or a Word doc

SCARS Teaching & Discussion Guide

Download your free SCARS Teaching & Discussion Guide in:


Tips On Dealing With Self-Harm

View articles here.

Self-Harm Is NOT Trendy

Read the article here.

SCARS book trailer:

Cheryl Rainfield on SCARS being challenged & the need for “dark” books. Banned Books.

Watch my It Gets Better video–for LGBTQ youth, and anyone thinking of suicide.

Cheryl Rainfield on Banned Books:

The Sadness Of Banned Books:

A poem by Cheryl Rainfield

Cheryl Rainfield, author of YA novel Scars on self-harm, sexual abuse, & being queer, interviewed on DayTime Toronto Sept 09, 2010.

If you want to buy a notebook, mug, T-shirt, etc with a quote related to STAINED you can on my Threadless shop. It includes “Sometimes you have to be your own hero,” “You are stronger than you know,” and a quote related to SCARS “You don’t deserve to be hurt, not ever–not even by yourself.”

Sometimes You Have To Be Your Own Hero mug
You are stronger than you know T-shirt
You don't deserve to be hurt, not by anyone--not even yourself. notebook


Print, cut, and glue miniature books by Cheryl Rainfield, including SCARS, STAINED, HUNTED, and Parallel Visions.

10 Ways To Improve Your Body Image And Feel Better About Your Body

Download as a PDF document

Girls Are Strong! (And Boys Are, Too.) 17 Ways To Be Strong

Download as a PDF document 

10 Self-Defense Tips For Girls and Women (And Boys, Too)

Download as a PDF document 

My author video on the healing power of books, and STAINED:

Want to know why I wrote STAINED? Check out this video:

Check out the STAINED book trailer:

HUNTED Bonus Material

Print, cut, and glue miniature books by Cheryl Rainfield, including SCARS, STAINED, HUNTED, and Parallel Visions.

Para Survival Guide

Download the handbook as a PDF

ParaWatch Guide

Download the guide as PDF 

HUNTED Newspaper Article

Download the article as a PDF.

HUNTED Postcard Story

Download it as a PDF.

Teen Para: A HUNTED Bonus Comic Strip

Teen Para Comic Strip

Download as a PDF

HUNTED Teacher’s Guide

Download the Teacher’s Guide as:


A Word Doc

HUNTED Book Trailer:

Cheryl Rainfield: My Inspiration For HUNTED

My Positive Messages For You

In case you need to hear it: I am proud of you

My positive message for you: You do not deserve to be hurt, not ever

In case you need to hear it: I believe in you

You deserve to treat yourself the way you treat a friend

If you have a dream, I hope you follow it and don’t give up

My Positive-Message Art For You